Friday, December 23, 2011
2011 Winners pick up their hardware
Player of the Year : Darell Hunt
Jr. Player of the Year : Ben Caiello
Most Improved Player : Adam Shaw
Most Improved Jr. Player : Ben Caiello
Most Active Player : Paul Farb
Next week will be Ashland Action II. Note that Round 1 starts at 7:00!!!
Open Section 4 round SS G30 (Dual Rated!). Prize fund $480 b/28
Entry fee $20 club members, $25 non members.
Prizes: 1st $150 2nd $100 3rd $50 U1605 $95 U1205 $85
Rounds 7:00 8:15 9:30 & 10:45 Registration for first round ends at 6:50. Register by 8:05 and receive a .5 point bye for first round.
Two half point byes available. Must commit before 8:05.
The first episode of Xtreme Chess Championship on YouTube.
Be sure to check out this good interview with Magnus Carlsen on WhyChess.
Coming up in Jan:
Jan 14 - Reverse Angle 25 - Charlotte, NC
Jan 27-29 - Land of the Sky XXV - Asheville, NC
Hope everyone has a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Monday, December 19, 2011
Columbia defeats QCCA 13.5 - 12.5 !!
When the battle lines were drawn the substitutions favored the Cola team in avg rating by almost 50 points instead of the less than 10 with the original lineup. Thanks to QCCA for allowing these last minute changes!
The match was very competitive with Cola leading at halftime 7-6. First round winners for Columbia were Keith Eubanks, Paul Farb, Bill Taylor, Adam Shaw, Dan Caiello and Mike Boone with draws from Ben Caiello and Richard Watts. First half winners from QCCA were Alexander Tong, Winfred Gatlin, Suhas Madiraju, Nathan Tong, David Blackwelder with draws from Mike Eberhardinger and Ishaan Maitra.
In the second half QCCA quickly evened the score when Blackwelder posted his second win.
Dan Caiello scored his second win to put Cola back ahead 8-7.
QCCA fought back with wins from Taefi and Blackwell to take the lead 9-8.
Ben Caiello scored a win for Columbia to level the score at 9-9.
Watts (Cola) and Maitra (QCCA) drew for the second time bringing the score to 9.5-9.5 as the tension built.
Patton wins to put Cola out front 10.5 - 9.5.
Gatlin (QCCA) and Robinson (Cola) draw bringing the score to 11 - 10 with five games in progress.
Morton scores a win for Cola to extend the good guys lead to 12-10. Two point lead for Columbia with only four games left.
QCCA fights back again as Gottiparthi and Taylor-Brill both score wins to tie the match at 12-12 with only two games still going.
In a very tense battle Daniel Smith held the advantage over Suhas Madiraju but with the clock ticking down it wasn't clear how to win and with one misstep the attack could fail. Living on delay at 7 seconds the position cleared and after a hesitation brought the clock down to 3 seconds Daniel was able to sack his Queen for Suhas's Knight leaving Daniel up with 3 pawns against a lone King creating a simple win. Suhas played it out to mate hoping for another hesitation to save the half point but Daniel was up to the task and put Columbia ahead 13-12 with only one game left going and it was on Board 1.
Gary Newsom was up a pawn against Keith Eubanks but now with Cola ahead by a point Keith only had to hold the draw while Gary had to win bring his team even. To the kibitzers gathered around it looked like Gary had found a win in a same colored Bishops endgame but Keith saved the half point when Gary was left with a wrong color rook pawn and he couldn't keep Keith's King from blockading the queening square. It looked to be a very instructive endgame since it appeared as if there was a win for Gary hiding somewhere within the 64 squares. Eubanks' ability to save the half point gave Columbia the win 13.5 - 12.5 over Queen City.
Edit: Gary Newsom has posted a report with his endgame in the final game HERE.
This was a very enjoyable afternoon and it was pleasure to have the QCCA visit us again. The QCCA hosts the very successful Reverse Angle series in Charlotte. RA25 will be Jan 14 and will be a great warm up to the Land of the Sky tournament in Asheville Jan 27-29.
A very nice photo album is HERE provided by the Tong family. The rated results are HERE.
The record is now Columbia 2 wins QCCA 0 wins and one draw. We will try to schedule the next match in the spring.
Columbia Downs Queen City
Dan Caiello was the only Columbia player to win both games. Keith Eubanks continues his brilliant play by outscoring expert Gary Newsome with a score of 1.5 - .5.
Here is the full crosstable of the results.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Murrah wins 960 with a perfect 4-0!!
Sat, Dec 17, the QCCA will visit and try reclaim some dignity after the 11-3 thrashing in our last Club Match . This will be our third meeting and by far the largest rosters. Time control is G90, first game at 10:00. There will be Twitter updates through out the match.
QCCA Team:
Board 1 - Gary Newsom (2013)
Board 2 - Tarokh Taefi (1872)
Board 3 - Mike Eberhardinger (1733)
Board 4 - Seth Taylor-Brill (1711)
Board 5 - Shouri Gottiparthi (1703)
Board 6 - Alexander Tong (1572)
Board 7 - Windy Gatlin (1561)
Board 8 - Suraj Madiraju (1520)
Board 9 - Suhas Madiraju (1500)
Board 10 - Copeland Blackwell (1419)
Board 11 - Nathan Tong (1392)
Board 12 - David Blackwelder (1296)
Board 13 - Ishaan Maitra (1255)
Columbia Team:
Board 1 - Kyle Oody (1915)
Board 2 - Ben Caiello (1839)
Board 3 - Bill Taylor (1825)
Board 4 - Adam Shaw (1817)
Board 5 - Gerald Battaglia (1630)
Board 6 - George Morton (1627)
Board 7 - Lendel Robinson (1617)
Board 8 - Dan Caiello (1536)
Board 9 - Daniel Smith (1527)
Board 10 - Mike Boone (1388)
Board 11 - Darell Hunt (1307)
Board 12 - Richard Watts (1285)
Board 13 - Paul Lowry (1148)
Next week, Dec 22 will be Casual Night and the Year End Awards will be handed out. Casual play and possible blitz tournament. Trophies will be awarded at 8:00. Here are this year's winners:
Most Active : Paul Farb 41 games
Most Improved Jr Player : Ben Caiello +352
Most Improved Player: Adam Shaw +212
Jr. Player of the Year: Ben Caiello 30 points
Player of the Year: Darell Hunt 24 points
Congratulations to all the winners!
Dec 29 will be Ashland Action II.
Open Section 4 round SS G30. Prize fund $480 b/28
Entry fee $20 club members, $30 non members.
Prizes: 1st $150 2nd $100 3rd $50 U1605 $95 U1205 $85
Rounds 7:00 8:15 9:30 & 10:45 Registration for first round ends at 6:50. Register by 8:05 and receive a .5 point bye for first round.
Two half point byes available. Must commit before 8:05.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Caiello brothers win Bughouse II!!
Next week, Dec 15, is a Chess 960/Fischer Random tournament. This tournament is open to everyone! No entry fee! No membership required! Open Section, Four round Swiss (Quick Rating will be used for pairing purposes). Game 20/3sec delay. Registration will end at 7:50. One bye available, must commit before round 3. Rounds 8:00, 8:50, 9:40 & 10:30. Check HERE for more information on this variant.
Monday, Dec 12, players will be meeting at the St Andrews Regional library from 6:00-8:30. This is open to everyone for casual play. Here's a chance to get some practice in before the 960 tournament.
The final Award Standings have been posted. If you believe there is an error in the standings contact Ralph . Awards will be given out on Casual Night, Dec 22.
The QCCA is sending a team to battle with Cola Chess on Dec 17. We plan to broadcast a couple boards and there will be twitter updates throughout the match. Here are the lineups:
Saturday, December 3, 2011
MacDougall & B Caiello tie for first in Ashland Quick XXVIII!!
Monday, Dec 5, the club will also meet at the St Andrews Regional Library on Broad River Road starting at 6:00. Come out for some "Stress Free" Chess! You do not have to be a club member to attend and play.
Bughouse Tournament on Dec 8. You do not have to be a member to play and you can form teams on site. Registration ends at 7:50, Round 1 at 8:00. The Bughouse Rules are HERE.
If you've never played don't be shy about jumping in! It's a lot of fun and the only time you can be losing at chess and know the cavalry is coming to save you!
This will be just for fun. No entry fees, no prizes, Just Bragging Rights! Anyone can play in this tournament for Free!
These are Blitz games. Game 5 minutes, no delay.
Come out and play!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Busy December coming up!!
Dec 1 - Ashland Quick XXVIII - USCF membership required. Ashland Appreciation Tournament. Entry fees donated to our host site.
Dec 3 - Augusta Action - Evans, GA. USCF membership required. 45 minutes from Columbia. One day, four round tournament.
Dec 5 - St. Andrews Regional Library - Open to everyone! Casual play, possibly some quick rated games. 6:00 - 8:30.
Dec 8 - Bughouse Tournament - Open to everyone!
Dec 12 - St. Andrews Regional Library - Open to everyone! Casual play, possibly some quick rated games. 6:00 - 8:30
Dec 15 - Ashland 960 - Open to everyone! Open Section, four round swiss, G20/3s delay.
Dec 22 - Casual Night - Open night for casual play and year end trophies will be awarded.
Dec 29 - Ashland Action II - USCF membership required. Your last rated games of 2011!!
Come out and play!
Monday, November 7, 2011
Ashland XXIV Rd 3
In the Amateur section, Shaun McCoy(UNR) defeated Richard Watts(1166) and Mike Meekins(1000) defeated Dillon Webb. James Doyle(1190) and Jaime Sanyer(1139) drew along with Mark Woodman(1143) and Paul Lowry(1163). In the final game, Christian Dunlap(938) defeated Richard Jeffcoat(UNR).
Ashland XXIV continues with Round 4 on November 10th. Call, Email, or text before 7:15pm to make sure you are paired.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Ashland XXIV Round 2
Ben Caiello (1794) upset Paul Farb (1900) to take the lead atop the Open Section with 2 points. Lendel Robinson(1579) took the point from Daniel M. Smith (1479), Daniel Caiello(1540) won over Chris Labrecque(1354) and Ralph Buske(1453) and George Morton(1648) agreed to disagree and called it a draw.
In the Amateur Section, Darell Hunt (1336) continued his winning ways with a win over newcomer Shaun McCoy(UNR). Mike Mayfield(1297) took the point from Ron Labrecque(1071) and Richard Watts(1166) defeated James Doyle(UNR). Birney Blind(1176) defeateded Christian Dunlap(938) and Paul Lowry(1163) climed the point from newcomer Richard Jeffcoat(UNR).
Round 3 resumes the tournament on Thursday 11-3-2011. Registration ends at 7:15pm.
Some upcoming tournaments of notable interest are:
NC Class Championships Nov 4-6 Charlotte, NC.
Augusta Action, Dec 3rd. Evans, GA
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Young Guns stay on top!
In the Amateur Section, Cody Kyzer (1211) survived a dubious opening line to split the point with Richard Watts (1139) and hang on to the lead by .5 point. Mike Mayfield (1281) took the point from Mark Woodman (1143), Birney Blind (1209) won over Christian Dunlap (938), David Boyd (1374) drew with Jaime Sanyer (1163), Chris Labrecque (1354) returned and defeated Drew Plyler (1072) and James Doyle (1190) split the point with Mike Meekins (1055.
The final round is Thursday, Sept 29.
Upcoming tournaments:
Oct 1 - Charlotte - Reverse Angle 23
Oct 7-9 - Charleston - 2nd Annual National Chess Day & Festival
Note: Correction to prizes: TLA for the National Chess Day and Festival tournament in Charleston on 7-9, 2011, has an error. In the Under 1800 section for prizes, it should read "u1600 - $100" instead of "u1400 - $100". The under 1400 prize is, of course, in the Under 1400 section.
Oct 14-16 - Columbia - 72nd SC Championships
Saturday, September 17, 2011
B Caiello & Kyzer still perfect after 3 Rounds!
In the Amateur Section, Cody Kyzer (1211) continued his impressive run with a win over Darell Hunt (1297) to stay in clear first with 3 points. Richard Watts (1139) outlasted Birney Blind (1209), Mark Woodman (1143) was left standing with point when the dust cleared in his battle with "Patriot" Christian Dunlap (938). Visiting Eddy Pinto (1272) took the point from Drew Plyler (1072) and David Boyd (1374) was convinced to split the point by Mike Mayfield (1281).
The Penultimate Round is next week, Thursday Sept 22.
There are THREE weekend tournaments coming up in October:
Oct 1 - Charlotte - Reverse Angle 23
Oct 7-9 - Charleston - 2nd Annual National Chess Day & Festival
Oct 14-16 - Columbia - 72nd SC Championships
Check at the club for members that are planning to attend these events if you'd like to car pool/share room.
The Live Game broadcast will be back soon (possibly next week!)
Thursday, September 15, 2011
B Caiello & Kyzer lead after 2 rounds!
In the Amateur Section, Cody Kyzer (1211) won over Birney Blind (1209) to stand alone at the top with 2 points. Darell Hunt (1297) scored the point over Mike Mayfield (1281), Richard Watts (1139) won over Christian Dunlap (938) while Mark Woodman (1143) defeated Mike Meekins (1055). Jaime Sanyer (1163) was held to a draw by Ron Labrecque (1071).
Round 3 is Thursday, Sept 15.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Ashland XXIII Begins
In the Amateur Section, Cody Kyzer (1211) scored the win over Drew Plyler (1072), Birney Blind (1209) defeated Mike Meekins (1055), Christian Dunlap (938) upset Jaime Sanyer (1163), Nathan Huffaker (UNR) outlasted Mark Woodman (1143) in the evening's longest battle and Darell Hunt (1297) drew with Richard Watts (1139).
Round 2 will be Thursday, Sept 8.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
B Caiello wins Ashland Quick XXVI!!
Darell Hunt (1132) won the Amateur Quad with a perfect 3-0 scoring wins over Dan Caiello (1403), Mike Mayfield (1379) & David Boyd (1236). This is Darell's third straight section win since joining the club!
Daniel Smith (1122) took the Swiss Section with a perfect 3-0 ahead of Ralph Buske (1085) & Mike Meekings (829) who tied for second with 2 points.
Next week, Thursday, Sept 1, Ashland XXIII begins. This will be the same format as A22:
Five round Swiss. Two Sections. One round a week for five weeks. You do not have to play every round.
Entry fee $2 for club members, $5 non-members. One bye allowed. Rounds start at 7:30. Game 90 +5s delay.
Two Sections: Open Section & Amateur Section (U1505). No Prizes.
The Southeast's biggest tournament is Labor Day weekend in Charlotte. The North Carolina Open is headlined this year with six Grand Masters competing and three time U.S. Women's Champion Irina Krush. Check their site for full details.
GM Ftacnik Lecture and IM Matros Exhibition
The lecture featured two games where white underestimated the time factor in the opening and paid the price.
Game 1 featured a 19 move Nimzo Indian Defense from the 2006 Turin Olympiad between GM Ivan Sokolov and GM Levon Aronian.
The second game is from 1999 with Ivanchuk getting the better of Topolov's English opening in 25 moves. Annotations from GM Ftacnik.
After the battle lines were drawn and we split into two groups and parted ways. IM Matros had the white pieces and his Phalanx of experts marched to their camp and GM Ftacnik's Death Dealers of Destruction hunkered down and made preparations for the oncoming attack. The following battle ensued:
Friday, August 19, 2011
Columbia Open Underway!
If you'd like to compete in this year's event you can still register Sat morning from 8:00am - 9:00am, round starts at 9:30.
Check back for updates over the weekend.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
B Caiello wins Ashland XXII!!! Hunt takes the Amateur Section!
In the Amateur Section, Nathan Huffaker (1002) upset Richard Watts (1139), Max Witherell (1169) defeated Mike Meekins (1055), Cody Kyzer (1211) scored the win over Julie Sheil (UNR) and Craig Patton (1386) outlasted Jaime Sanyer (1163).
The rated results are HERE.
Next week, Thursday Aug 18, is Casual Night. GM Lubomir Ftacnik will give a lecture beginning at 7:00. After the lecture he will play an exhibition game with IM Alexander Matros. They will be in separate rooms with demo boards and those in attendance will split into two groups. Each Master will explain his moves as the game progresses and interact with their group. Anyone interested is welcome to come out! You do not have to be a club member to attend.
Monday, August 8, 2011
WeakSquare - 7 Rules for Losing a Game
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Ashland XXII - Round 4
In the Amateur Section, Darell Hunt (1308) settled peacefully with Richard Watts (1080) to stay in first, a .5 point ahead of Richard. Mike Mayfield (1281) won over Birney Blind (1208) and Mike Meekins (1055) returned to the board and defeated Julie Sheil (UNR).
The Final Round will be Thurs, Aug 11.
The deadline for early entry discount for the Columbia Open is Friday, August 12. You can register Online and take advantage of the $16 discount of $59. After August 12 the entry fee will be $75.
Early Entries are coming in and are headlined by Grandmaster Lubomir Ftacnik. Check the Columbia Open site for full details.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Ashland XXII - Round 3
In the Open Section, Keith Eubanks (2076) won over Paul Farb (1910) to move into first place by .5 point. Ben Caiello (1630) took the point from George Morton (1663). Adam Shaw (1820) was held to a draw by Denker Rep Dan Caiello (1517). Dan is in Orlando now representing SC as the High School Champion in the Denker Tournament. Ralph Buske (1497) broke into the win column by defeating Max Witherell (1178).
Darell Hunt (1308) continued his dominance of the Amateur Section with a win over Nathan Huffaker (UNR) to move to 3-0. Birney Blind (1208) used a stubborn defense to save the draw against Julie Sheil (UNR). Julie has taken over the Chess Players of Augusta. They meet on Saturday's if you're looking for a game on the weekend.
Next week, Aug 4, is Round 4.
Entries are coming in for the Columbia Open. Early entry deadline is Aug 12.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Ashland XXII - Round 2
In the Amateur Section, Darell Hunt (1308) continued his impressive play with a win over Birney Blind (1208) to share the lead with Richard Watts (1080) who scored the upset over Max Witherell (1178).
Next week, Thursday, July 28 is Round 3.
Early entry deadline for the Columbia Open is Aug 12. Register online or at the club.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Game of the Month 2 and SC Class Spotlight
Keith Eubanks vs Paul Farb
The first spotlight game is from round 5 of the SC Class Championships and features a win from the black side of a Grand Prix attack giving Keith Eubanks the SC Expert title.
Donny Gray vs Keith Eubanks
Our second spotlight game is a fighting draw from Paul Farb in a Modern Benoni vs a very strong opponent in Wayne Christiansen who is rated 200 points higher.
Wayne Christiansen vs Paul Farb
Thanks to all for sharing your games.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Ashland XXII gets underway with 14 players competing
In the Amateur Section, Darell Hunt (1308) took the first round win over Jaime Sanyer (1163). Mike Mayfield (1281) scored the point over Mark Acklie (913), Birney Blind (1208) took the point from Nathan Huffaker (UNR) and Richard Watts (1080) upset Cody Kyzer (1211).
Round 2 is next week, Thursday, July 21.
The Club Standings have been updated.
The Columbia Open is fast approaching! We expect this to be the largest adult tournament in South Carolina for the third straight year. Be sure to take advantage of the early entry fee of $59. That's $16 off the on site registration fee! You can register with Erik on Thurs evenings or Online.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Cola Chess at the SC Class -
Here are the top performers from the club:
Keith Eubanks - SC Expert Champion
Bob Halliday - SC B Class Champion
Dan Caiello - SC C Class Champion
Darell Hunt - SC E Class Champion on tiebreak.
Richard Watts - tied for first in E Class, gained 59 points
Donny Gray - First Place SC Blitz Championship. Donny lives in GA and wasn't eligible for Trophy.
Edsel Pena - SC Blitz Champion. Won an exciting tie break with Philipp Lamby.
If you didn't go you missed a great tournament! Be sure to mark your calendar for next year.
The full crosstable is HERE.
Next up..... The Columbia Open Aug 19-21.
Friday, July 8, 2011
SC Class - Early Entries
First | Last | July Rating | Class |
Klaus | Pohl | 2208 | X |
Keith | Eubanks | 2090 | X |
Donnie | Gray | 2083 | X |
Steven | Welt | 1978 | A |
Paul | Farb | 1924 | A |
Adam | Shaw | 1796 | A |
John | Yates | 1711 | B |
Robert | Halliday | 1688 | B |
George | Morton | 1661 | B |
J. Robert | Mahan | 1547 | B |
Jayashree | Sekar | 1498 | B |
Daniel | Smith | 1462 | B |
Daniel | Caiello | 1517 | C |
Ralph | Buske | 1494 | C |
Richard | Hartnett | 1473 | C |
Michael | Doyle | 1432 | C |
Richard | Thomas | 1385 | C |
David | Boyd | 1348 | C |
Craig | Patten | 1386 | D |
Robert | Woodworth | 1246 | D |
Vignesh | Sekar | 1088 | D |
Doug | Ragan | 1120 | E |
Darell | Hunt | 1112 | E |
Richard | Watts | 1060 | E |
Timothy | Staley | 1038 | E |
James | Dill | 984 | E |
Suhasini | Sundar | 982 | E |
Mark | Acklie | 913 | E |
Kyle | Overton | 865 | E |
Kyle | Xiao | 0 | E |
SC Class Championships THIS weekend!!
Look for Twitter updates over the weekend and the Crosstable should be available.
Full details are at the end.
Due to scheduling around the Columbia weekend tournaments there will be no Quick Tournament. Next week Ashland XXII will begin. There will be two sections, Open & Amateur (U1505), Game 90. There are two changes:
1. The entry fee will be $2 for club members and $5 for non members. This is for all five rounds no matter if you play one or five.
2. There will be no prizes.
6 Grand Prix Points
Jul 9 - 10, 2011
South Carolina Class Championship
Columbia, SC
Hilton Garden Inn, 434 Columbiana Dr., Columbia, SC 29212 (803)407-6640.
HR: $89/night, book by 7/1.
6 Sections: Expert (2000+),
A (1800-1999),
B (1600-1799),
C (1400-1599),
D (1200-1399),
E (below 1200).
Players may play up 1 section.
Sections will be combined if less than 6 players.
Unrated may play in any section but are limited to $100 in A, B, and C, and $50 in D and E.
Prizes: $1900 b/50. $280-$120 in Expert, $200-$100 all others, 75% gtd.
Top SC player in each section wins trophy.
EF: $50 if rec d by 7/6. $60 at door.
Discounts: 25% for out-of-state pre-registering w/friend (2 players count as 1 1/2 entries).
Unrated: $15 EF if playing D or E.
Reg.: 8:30-9:30,
Rds.: Sat: 10, 2.
Sun: 10, 4.
Side Event: SC Blitz Champ, Prelim: 5-DSS, top four + ties play in RR final.
EF: $15 for SC Class participants, $25 for others. 75% of Entries returned as prizes.
Rd. 1 starts Sat: 8:00 PM.
Entries: SC Chess Association, 741 Dragoon Dr., Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464.
SCCA membership req d, OSA.
Chess Magnet School JGP.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Johnson wins Ashland XXI
With intense cogitation, Klaus Johnson(1840) kept Paul Farb's(1901) Bird opening from soaring and secured a draw to claim first place with 3.5 points. George Morton(1726) defeated Russell Thurmond(1600) and Ralph Buske(1492) claimed the point against David Boyd(1319).
In the Amateur section, Darell Hunt(1112) and Paul Lowry(1177) ended on even terms, giving Hunt 4.5 for the tournament, claiming first prize. A stalemate ended Jaime Sanyer(1161) and Birney Blind's(1237) game and Richard Watts(1141) defeated U1000 prize winner Christian Dunlap(924). In an interesting matchup, new member Megh Testerman defeated newer member Stephen Barker, both left in good spirits.
Prize winners for the tourney are:
1st Klaus Johnson
2nd Paul Farb
U1805 Adam Shaw
U1605 Ralph Buske
1st Darell Hunt
2nd Paul Lowry
U1205 Jaime Sanyer
U1000 Christian Dunlap
Congratulations to all prize winners and thanks to all for playing and continuing to improve your game.
People who want to improve should take their defeats as lessons, and endeavor to learn what to avoid in the future. You must also have the courage of your convictions. If you think your move is good, make it. - Jose Capablanca
Next Week Thursday, July 7 is casual night. Come out for a fun night of chess.
The SC Class Championship is July 9-10. You can register with Klaus at the club on Thurs evening.
July 14th will start Ashland XXII, entry fee will be $2 for the whole tournament.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Johnson & Shaw lead with one to go! Hunt still Perfect!
In the Amateur Section, Darell Hunt (1112) stayed perfect taking the point from Jaime Sanyer (1161) and wins the section with a round to go! Mike Mayfield (1308) took the point from Daniel Smith (1343). Paul Lowry (1177) emerged with the point from a very tough battle with Megh Testerman (UNR) and Richard Watts (1141) won over Stephen Barker (UNR).
The Final Round will be Thursday, June 30. Daniel Smith will be the Chief for this round.
The SC Class Championship is coming up July 9-10 here in Columbia. You can register with Klaus at the club on Thurs evening. Entry fee is only $15 for Unrated players in the D & E Classes! If you're a new player or looking to play in your first weekend tournament this is the one!
South Carolina's Premier event, The Columbia Open, is August 19-21. This year's edition has a $5000 guaranteed prize fund and 40 Grand Prix points up for grabs! Be sure to take advantage of the early entry fee of $59 by Aug 12. You can register with Erik at the club or online.
Also mark your calendar for the NC Open in Charlotte on Labor Day weekend. This is the largest event in Southeast drawing over 200 players last year. This year's event has a $12,500 guaranteed prize fund that pays 10 places deep in all sections! There's also 100 Grand Prix points available and the Open Section will be FIDE rated.
These are three great events over the next 3 months with a lot of money guaranteed to be paid out and you only have to leave town for one!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Shaw & Holmes tied after 3 Rounds!
In the Amateur Section, Darell Hunt (1112) continued his run toward perfection with a win over Mark Woodman (1152) scoring his third straight upset! Mike Mayfield (1308) was convinced to settle peacefully with Paul Lowry (1177) as Birney Blind (1237) defeated Stephen Barker (UNR). Christian Dunlap (924) won over Megh Testerman (UNR).
Round 3 will be this Thursday, June 23.
The SC Class Championship will be here in Columbia July 9 & 10 (Two weeks away!). Early entry is $50 by July 6. You can enter with Klaus at the club on Thurs nights.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Ashland XXI -Johnson & Hunt lead after Round 2!
Darell Hunt (1112) scored his second straight win defeating Max Witherell (1181) and stands alone at the Top of the Amateur Section with 2 points. Jaime Sanyer (1161) picked up the point from new member Stephen Barker (UNR) while Mark Woodman (1152) outlasted Megh Testerman (UNR). Paul Lowry (1177) settled peacefully with James Price (1098) as Mike Mayfield (1308) defeated Christian Dunlap (924)
Round 3 will be Thursday, June 16.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Ashland XXI - Start your clocks! Who turned out the lights??!!!
After about 30mins at 9:00 and still in the dark the decision was made to allow those that wanted to finish their game to move to the Burger King on Bush River Road at I20 about a mile away. At this point we had one game completed, one game continued by cell phone light on site!, the participants of one game had vanished?!, one game agreed to a draw, one participant accepted a loss (basically resigned) when he didn't want to continue the game and refused a draw offer?! Two players from out of town were allowed to go home and finish their game there. As it turned out only two games moved to Burger King to be completed. Naturally one game went the full time limit and past the 11:00pm closing time of the restaurant. There was no problem though and a big Thank You! to Burger King for allowing us to invade and finish our games! Thank you to everyone for your cooperation!
Here are the results, Erik Murrah (1720) took the point from Paul Farb (1901), Klaus Johnson (1840) outlasted Russell Thurmond (1600), Adam Shaw (1780) picked up the point from Ralph Buske (1492) and George Morton (1726) won over David Boyd (1319).
In the Amateur Section, Mike Boone (1334) settled peacefully with Jaime Sanyer (1161), Darell Hunt (1112) defeated Mike Mayfield (1308), James Price (1098) won over Birney Blind (1237) and Max Witherell (1181) scored the point over David Haller (UNR).
We've had a lot of new players showing up recently and we hope this trend continues! If you've been considering coming out but haven't made it now is the time! There's plenty of new players to battle and learn with.
The hopefully uneventful Round 2 will be Thursday, June 9.
The early entry deadlines are fast approaching for the Statesville Open, June 17-19 and the SC Open, June 24-26. Club players are planning to attend both tournaments.
Check out the Survivor Series at Tiger Chess in Charlotte. This a series of six, one day tournaments. The next one is June 11, This Saturday! Entry fee for Cola Club members is $17! This is discounted from $25 so take advantage of it.
The next three Reverse Angle tournaments in Charlotte have been scheduled for Aug 13, Oct 1 and Nov 19. Check the QCCA site for details.
We're trying to put together a couple club matches with Queen City and Tiger Chess. Let us know if you're interested in playing either here in Columbia or traveling to Charlotte.
Don't forget that Augusta area players are now meeting every Sat morning at Arsenal Games and Hobbies. Check the Augusta Players site for details.
See you next week!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Lamby wins Ashland Quick XXV!!
Cody Kyzer (1106) scored three upsets to go 3-0 to win the Middle Quad ahead of Max Witherell (1107) who took clear second at 2 points with two upsets of his own.
Keeping with the theme of the evening, Daniel Smith (1055) went a perfect 3-0 with one upset to take clear first ahead of Christian Dunlap (798) who took second with 2 points scoring an upset of his own.
In a strange evening, all quads finished 3-2-1-0 with a total of 10 upsets!
Next week is Round 1 of Ashland XXI. Registration ends at 7:15. Email, text or call before 7:15. Round starts 7:30.
Two weekend tournaments nearby this month:
Statesville Open June 17-19 - Statesville, NC
SC Open June 24-26 - Greenville, NC
Mark your calendar for the Columbia Open Aug 19-21. $5000 prize fund guaranteed! 40 Grand Prix Points! See tournament page or TLA for full details.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Mabe wins the 4th Annual Lee Hyder Memorial!!
Lee Hyder Memorial IV
by Bill Taylor
The fourth annual Lee Hyder Memorial was held May 20th thru 22nd 2011 in it’s new location of Columbia, South Carolina at the Hilton Garden Inn, Harbison. This hotel is becoming a favorite for Columbia tournaments with a convenient location for traveling players and excellent accommodations.
The tournament had a good turn-out with 31 players competing in three sections.
The Open Section had a strong field of 13 players including the current SC state champion Dr. Phillip Lamby and current NC state co-champion NM Chris Mabe. Other notable players were current SC senior state co-champs Klaus Pohl and Wayne Christensen, Donny Gray of Georgia and area newcomer Ananth Pappu.
The top prize was claimed by Chris Mabe with 4.0 points followed closely by Ananth Pappu and Dr. Phillip Lamby with 3.5 points each.
The U1800 Section was well represented with 10 players. Christian Ruel of Aiken took first place in the section, second place for the section was shared by Bobby Halliday and Mike Eberhardinger.
The tournament was rounded out by 8 players in the U1400 section with top prize going to Greg Blythe.
There were several upcoming tournament announcements made. These included the SC Class Championship in July, the Columbia Open in August and the NC Open in September. Check the SC and NC state websites for details on these and other upcoming events.
Thanks to everyone that attended and helped with LHM IV, the full results are shown below.