Sunday, July 20, 2014

The King's Gambit, Is it Refuted?

Is the King's Gambit dead?

Is it refuted?  BUSTED?

The Great Bobby Fischer adamantly proclaimed so in his famous 1961 article.

After Bobby Fischer lost a 1960 game at Mar del Plata to Boris Spassky, in which Spassky played the Kieseritzky Gambit, Fischer left in tears and promptly went to work at devising a new defense to the King's Gambit. In Fischer's 1961 article, "A Bust to the King's Gambit", he brashly claimed, "In my opinion the King's Gambit is busted. It loses by force." Fischer concluded the article with the famously arrogant line, "Of course White can always play differently, in which case he merely loses differently. (Thank you, Weaver Adams!)" The article became famous. - courtesy to Wikipedia

One of the most famous examples of the King's Gambit, and in chess,  is The Immortal Game played by Adolf Anderssen and Lionel Kieseritzky in London 1851.  For those of you who haven't seen of this game yet, Enjoy!

In the inaugural themed tournament, we played the King's Gambit.  All boards started 1.e4 e5 2. f4.  Due to time constraints the time control was G15 + 3sec delay.  This allowed 4 games on the night. This time control didn't allow either side to tarry long and quick decisions had to be made but fun and exciting chess was had by all.

Newcomer to the club, NM Sam Copeland(2122 qck rating) scored a perfect 4-0 as he mowed down the field and also kindly shared his objective analysis on past positions with his opponents.
Ben Caiello(1913 qr) captured 3 points and only posting a miscue to NM Copeland.
Erik Murrah(1520 qr) executed a swiss gambit to perfection by "throwing" the first game and winning the next 3 to tie with Caiello for second place.

Notable returning and new members Leo Rabulan and John Bailes had success with the Gambit as well.

Although a small number of trials of just 28 games, White scored 61% of victories:17 games, Black 36% :10 games, and 1 game was a draw 3.6% this is evidence that the King's Gambit is suitable enough for club play and not busted, dead or refuted here in Columbia.

Thanks to all who supported this exciting event.  Full Results.

No club meet on July 24th.  The next regular tournament will resume on July 31st.

Don't Forget to register for The Columbia Open Aug 15-17.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Quick tournament at St. Andrews

From July 14th to August 4th, we will be holding a 4 round G/20 (3 second delay) beginning at 7:30 pm at St. Andrews Library. It will be one round per week. Entry fee will be $2. Please contact Jordan Anderson for more info.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Ashland Quick XLIV and News

Ten players battled it out in Ashland Quick XLIV with others playing casual.

James MacDougall and Ben Caiello split the top section with 2.5 points each.

Chris Labrecque scored a perfect 3-0 in the under swiss section.

Upcoming events and News.
Reverse Angle July 5th Charlotte, NC

There will be no club meeting on July 10th.

Chess fun will resume on July 17th with a rated King's Gambit quick tournament.
All games will start with black to move after playing 1.e4 e5 2.f4..
Games will be G15/3 sec delay.  1 section 4 round swiss with first round accelerated.
No Entry fee for club members, no prizes but games will be rated.

No meeting July 24th.

July 31st will start Ashland XXXIX Rd 1
Four round Swiss. One round a week for four weeks. Entry fee $2
One bye allowed, No last round byes. Rounds start at 7:30. Reg ends at 7:15.
Two Sections, Game 75 + 30 inc.
Open Section,
Amateur Section (U1505)

July 26-Aug 3rd US Open Orlando FL.  Multiple schedules.

Aug 15-17 The Columbia Open Columbia, SC

Aug 28-31 NC Open and US Masters Greensboro, NC

There are plenty of upcoming opportunities to play chess, increase your rating, and most of all have fun!

Have a safe and happy Independence Day weekend!