St. Andrews Club

St. Andrews Regional Library
Monday evenings 6-8:30pm
2916 Broad River Road
Columbia, SC 29210

The Columbia Chess Club also meets at the St Andews Regional Library on Monday evenings from 6-8:30 pm. These are more casual meetings and is the perfect place for new or beginning players to come play.

Library contact: Rod Franco


  1. Hi. . . . I might be interested. I prefer classic chess though . . . 1-2 hr games like the Grand Masters employ? R u fast style only? Fred Kerr :)

  2. Is this still available on Mondays?

  3. This enables you to pick up involvement with the chess board at whatever point you have a free minute: mid-day break, late around evening time, after work. chess sets

  4. You would obviously like to pick a leading group of the best quality that you can bear the cost of as the load up should last you a lot of time and you need to be content with your official conclusion when making your buy. chess board

  5. Jeux d'Échecs Kaoori Les joueurs peuvent choisir parmi ces sections en fonction de leurs besoins. Pour les débutants, les deux premières sections sont utiles pour comprendre les concepts de base, tels que la façon d'utiliser une fourchette, une épingle ou une brochette

  6. I would like to join. Please let me know when the club is meeting again.
